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Game Shark Code Monster Rancher 2 (PS1)

0 komentar
Max Funds
80098FBC E0FF
80098FBE 05F5

Date Now
80099228 xxxx
Xxxx = 0000 (04/01/1000)
1 Week = 0001 (h)

All Monster Cards
(Caetla / Enhancer Game) B00CC002 00 million
8009908C 0101

(GameShark 2:42 + and 5000CC02 0000
"Pro") 8009908C 0101

Full zooming in Mode View
D001C3CC 2821
8001C3D0 0000
D001C3CC 2821
8001C3D2 0000

80097A20-03E7 - Max Health

80097A22-03E7 - Max Power

80097A2A-03E7 - Max Intellenge

80097A26-03E7 - Max Skill

80097A28-03E7 - Max Speed

80097A24-03E7 - Max Defence
Breeder Code
*Breeder Grade 300098FC0 00xx
Xx = 00 (Beginners), 01 (Grade 9), 0A (Expert)

*Ranch Size
30098FC1 000x (x = 0-4)
*Size of Stable
30098FC2 000y (y = 0-2)
*Max Purse
80098FC8 E0FF 80098FCA 05F5
80098FC4 xxxx = Wins
80098FC6 xxxx = Losses
8009903C xxxx = K.O.
Xxxx = 0000-03E7

*Final Rank
E = 8009902A xxxx
D = 8009902C xxxx
C = 8009902E xxxx
B = 80099030 xxxx
A = 80099032 xxxx
S = 80099034 xxxx
Xxxx = 0000-03E7
*All Emblems Won
80099060 0001
80099064 0001
80099068 0001
8009906C 0001
80099070 0001
*Authorization Breeder NOTE:
B0260001 00 million It took almost a full day for hacking 30099386 0001 find the right memory location to edit, and there may very well be less. (Version 2 cart) If you find a CD that will not allow you 50002601 0000 to breed, please email me with details. 30099386 0001
Monster Code

Main: 80097A18 00?
Sub: 80097A1C 00?

300097B92 00xx
Xx = 00 (E) - 05 (S)

80097A20 03E7 Max lif
80097A22 03E7 Max Pow
80097A24 03E7 Max Int
80097A26 03E7 Max Ski
80097A28 03E7 Max Spd
80097A2A 03E7 Max Def

80097A14 xxxx
0001 xxxx (h) 1 Week 0004 (h) 1 Month

*Never Tired
30097A37 0000
*Acquisition Technique
80097BD0 Activation Code 0600 Note: This code is required to use
80097BD2 120C all attacks in battle.

80097B98 0001
80097B9A 0001
80097B9C 0001
80097B9E 0001
80097BA0 0001
80097BA2 0001

*Short attacks
80097BA4 0001
80097BA6 0001
80097BA8 0001
80097BAA 0001
80097BAC 0001
80097BAE 0001

*Med. Range
80097BB0 0001
80097BB2 0001
80097BB4 0001
80097BB6 0001
80097BB8 0001
80097BBA 0001

*Long Range
80097BBC 0001
80097BBE 0001
80097BC0 0001
80097BC2 0001
80097BC4 0001
80097BC6 0001

*Max Fame
80097A38 0064
*Style & Max. Loyalty
30097A3C 00xx
30097A3D 00yy
xx = yy = Style
44 A4 childish
Soft 86 84
84 44 Honey
64 64 Even
64 84 Strict
44 84 Harsh
44 A4 Spartans
30097A3E 00xx
xx = A4 - Small Gali
D4 - Dug
00 - Normal
34 - Fat
64 - Plump

30097A59 00xx
xx = 34 - Very Good
14 - Good
00 - Neutral
D4 - Bad
A4 - Worst

*Likes Note: See "Item Modifier" for 80097B1A 00xx appropriate digits.
*Dislikes Note: See "Item Modifier" for 80097B1C 00xx appropriate digits.
80097A66 xxxx = Wins
80097A68 xxxx = Losses
80097A6A xxxx = K.O.
80097A6E xxxx = Hurt
80097A70 xxxx = Run Away
80097A72 xxxx = Disease
80097A74 xxxx = Resistance
Xxxx = 0000-03E7

*Max Purse
80097A5C E0FF
80097A5E 05F5

*All Emblems Won
80097A80 0001
80097A84 0001
80097A88 0001
80097A8C 0001
80097A90 0001

Max. Courage
D00938AE jjjj
*Max Strength
D00938AE jjjj
801FFCDC 03E7

*Opponent Guts Drain
D00938AE jjjj
801FFC7C 0000

*Opponent Life Drain
D00938AE jjjj
801FFC5C 0000

*Jjjj = Joker Command Modifier
0001 L2
0002 R2
0004 L1
0008 R1
0010 Triangle
Circle 0020
0040 X
0080 Square
0100 Select
Start 0800
1000 Up
2000 Right
4000 Down
8000 Left

*Ie. L2 & SELECT for Max Intestine
D00938AE 0101
Frozen Monster Code

*Slot 1
Type 80097DB0 00?
Sub-Type 80097DB4 00?
Max Life 80097DB8 03E7
Max Pow. 80097DBA 03E7
Max Def. 80097DBC 03E7
Max Ski. 80097DBE 03E7
Max Spd. 80097DC0 03E7
Max Int. 80097DC2 03E7

*Slot 2
Type 80097F7C 00?
Sub-Type 80097F80 00?
80097F84 03E7 Max Life
Max Pow. 80097F86 03E7
Max Def. 80097F88 03E7
Max Ski. 80097F8A 03E7
Max Spd. 80097F8C 03E7
Max Int. 80097F8E 03E7

*Slot 3
Type 80098148 00?
Sub-Type 8009814C 00?
Max Life 80098150 03E7
Max Pow. 80098152 03E7
Max Def. 80098154 03E7
Max Ski. 80098156 03E7
Max Spd. 80098158 03E7
Max Int. 8009815A 03E7

*Slot 4
Type 80098314 00?
Sub-Type 80098318 00?
8009831C 03E7 Max Life
Max Pow. 8009831E 03E7
Max Def. 80098320 03E7
Max Ski. 80098322 03E7
Max Spd. 80098324 03E7
Max Int. 80098326 03E7

*Slot 5
Type 800984E0 00?
Sub-Type 800984E4 00?
800984E8 03E7 Max Life
Max Pow. 800984EA 03E7
Max Def. 800984EC 03E7
Max Ski. 800984EE 03E7
Max Spd. 800984F0 03E7
Max Int. 800984F2 03E7

*Slot 6
Type 800986AC 00?
Sub-Type 800986B0 00?
800986B4 03E7 Max Life
Max Pow. 800986B6 03E7
Max Def. 800986B8 03E7
Max Ski. 800986BA 03E7
Max Spd. 800986BC 03E7
Max Int. 800986BE 03E7

*Slot 7
Type 80098878 00?
Sub-Type 8009887C 00?
Max Life 80098880 03E7
Max Pow. 80098882 03E7
Max Def. 80098884 03E7
Max Ski. 80098886 03E7
Max Spd. 80098888 03E7
Max Int. 8009888A 03E7

*Slot 8
Type 80098A44 00?
Sub-Type 80098A48 00?
Max Life 80098A4C 03E7
Max Pow. 80098A4E 03E7
Max Def. 80098A50 03E7
Max Ski. 80098A52 03E7
Max Spd. 80098A54 03E7
Max Int. 80098A56 03E7

*Slot 9
Type 80098C10 00?
Sub-Type 80098C14 00?
80098C18 03E7 Max Life
Max Pow. 80098C1A 03E7
Max Def. 80098C1C 03E7
Max Ski. 80098C1E 03E7
Max Spd. 80098C20 03E7
Max Int. 80098C22 03E7

*Slot 10
Type 80098DDC 00?
Sub-Type 80098DE0 00?
Max Life 80098DE4 03E7
Max Pow. 80098DE6 03E7
Max Def. 80098DE8 03E7
Max Ski. 80098DEA 03E7
Max Spd. 80098DEC 03E7
Max Int. 80098DEE 03E7

*Code monster (?)
00 - Pixie
01 - Dragon
02 - Centaur
03 - Color Pandora
04 - Beaclon
05 - Henger
06 - Wracky
07 - Golem
08 - Zuum
09 - Durahan
0A - Arrow Head
0B - Tiger
0C - Hopper
0D - Hare
0E - Baku
0F - Dug
10 - Kato
11 - Zilla
12 - Bajarl
13 - Mew
14 - Phoenix
15 - Ghost
16 - Metalner
17 - Suezo
18 - Jill
19 - Mocchi
1A - Joker
1B - Gaboo
1C - Jell
1D - Undine
1E - Niton
1F - Mock
20 - Ducken
21 - Plants
22 - Monol
23 - Ape
24 - Worm
25 - Dragon
26 -? (Enemy)
27 -?
28 -?
29 -?
Item Modifier

*Note: The number of items can be held is determined by the size of the stable. (See "Breeder Code" section)
01 8009923C 00xx
80099240 00xx
80099244 00xx
80099248 00xx
8009924C 00xx
80099250 00xx
80099254 00xx
80099258 00xx
8009925C 00xx
80099260 00xx
80099264 00xx
12 80099268 00xx
8009926C 00xx
80099270 00xx
80099274 00xx
80099278 00xx
8009927C 00xx
80099280 00xx
80099284 00xx
20 80099288 00xx
00 Potatoes
01 Fish
02 Meat
03 Milk
04 Jelly Cup 20
05 Tablets
06 Statues
07 Gemeni's Pot
08 Lump Ice
09 Fire Stone
0A Pure Gold
0B Pure Gold
0C Pure Silver
0D Pure Platinum
0E Mango
0F Candy
10 Smoked Snake
11 Apple Cake
12 Mint Leaves
13 Powder
14 Sweet Jelly
15 Sour Jelly
16 Crab Claw
17 Peanut Oil
18 Peanut Oil
19 Stars Crop
1A Golden Peach
1B Silver Peach
1C Magic Banana
1D Magic Banana
1E Magic Banana
1F Half Nuts edible
20 Irritator
21 Griever
22 Teromeann
23 Manseitan
24 Larox
25 Kasseitan
26 Troron
27 Nageel
28 ?
29 Paradoxina
2A Tiger disk.
2B Hopper disk.
2C Hare disk.
2D Kato disk.
2E Suezo's disk.
2F Dragon's disk.
30 Gaboo's disk.
31 Jell's disk.
32 Niton's disk.
33 Factory disc.
34 Mew's disk.
35 Mocchi's disk.
36 Zuum's disk.
37 Arrow Head's disc.
38 Ape's disk.
39 Monol's disk.
3A Bay Shrimp
3B Incense
3C Shoes
3D Rice Cracker
3E ?
3F Olive Oil
40 Kaleidoscope
41 Torles Water
42 ?
43 Perfume
44 Stick
45 Bone
46 Perfume Oil
47 Wood Ball
48 Cedar Logs
49 Pile of Meat
4A Land
4B Rock Candy
4C Dummy
4D Ice from Papas
4E Grease
4F DNA Capsule (Red)
50 DNA Capsule (Yellow)
51 DNA Capsules (Pink)
52 DNA Capsules (Gray)
53 DNA Capsules (White)
54 DNA Capsules (Green)
55 DNA Capsule (Black)
56 God Slate
57 Hero Badge
58 Heel Badge
59 Quack Doll (fruit)
5A Dragon Tusk
5B Old sheath
5C double-edged
5D Magic Pot
5E Mask
5F Big Footstep
60 Big Boots
61 Fire Feather
62 Taurus' Horn
63 Dino's Tail
64 Zilla Beard
65 Fun Can
66 Strong Glue
67 Quack Doll (built - see 59))
68 Mystic Seeds
69 Parepare Tea
6A Match
6B Toothpicks
6C Playmate
6D Whetstone
6E Poland
6F Silk Cloth
70 Disc Dish
71 gramophone
72 Shiny Stone
73 Meteorites
74 Steamed Bun
75 Razor Blade
76 Ice Candy
77 Bone Fish
78 Solar Lights
79 Silk Hat
7A Half Cake
7B shaved ice
7C Sweet Potatoes
7D Medals
7E Gold Medal
7F Silver Medal
80 Music Box
81 Medals
82 No Desire
83 Tourney
84 Rest
85 Play
86 Mirror
87 Colart Tea
88 Galoe Nut
89 Stick Ice
8A Ocean Stone
8B Seaweed
8C Clay Doll # 1
8D Clay Doll # 2
8e Clay Doll # 3
8F Mock Nut
90 Colt's Cake
91 Flowers
92 Pixie's disk.
93 Dragon's disk.
94 Centaur's disk.
95 ColorPandora's disk.
96 Beaclon's disk.
97 Henger's disk.
98 Wracky's disk.
99 Golem's disk.
9A Durahan's disk.
9b Baku's disk.
9C Dug's disk.
9D Zilla's disk.
9E Bajarl's disk.
9f Pheonix's disk.
A0 Ghost disk.
A1 disk Metalner's.
A2 Jill disk.
A3 Joker's disk.
A4 Undine's disk.
A5 Mock's disk.
A6 Ducken's disk.
A7 Worm's disk.
A8 Gali Mask
A9 Crystal
AA Undine Slate
AB Reward # 1
AC Reward # 2
AD Stick
AE Jelly Cup
AF Spear
B0 Wracky Doll
B1 Quack Doll (with instructions)
(See 67 & 59)


Items listed as "???" or "n / a" missing name in the game but still there and / or
Description, and I will be unobtainable through regular play. It is unclear whether they
Only be translated by a team of you.S. Programming, or have been removed completely.

28 = Some kind of genie lamp. No name or description is listed.
3E = Cigarettes. Present in the Japanese version, but is not listed on you.S. Release.
42 = Unknown.
6A = Match. Description not provided. It may have been removed from the you.S. Release.
6B = Toothpicks. Description not provided. It may have been removed from the you.S. Release.
6D = Whetstone. Description not provided. It may have been removed from the you.S. Release.
6E = Poland. Description not provided. It may have been removed from the you.S. Release.
6F = Woven Silk. Description not provided. It may have been removed from the you.S. Release.
No. 82 = Desire. Description not provided. Used Likes / Dislikes.
83 = Tourney / Battle. Description not provided. Used Likes / Dislikes.
84 = Rest. Description not provided. Used Likes / Dislikes.
85 = Play. Description not provided. Used Likes / Dislikes

Author : Cmonfrozen

Etiam mollis nec lacus ut tempus. Donec justo nisi, molestie nec hendrerit et, sagittis vel felis. Aliquam porttitor turpis quis ultrices ultrices. Integer vitae massa sapien

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Special Thanks To : ™Ares™ | ™Knight™ | Michael Willieson


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