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G-Warnet In Home

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Langkah 1 Cara Membuat Sketsa

Buka gambar wanita yang telah di download kemudian duplikat layer background dengan cara tekan Ctrl + J. Maka akan terbentuk layer baru dengan nama Layer 1.

Aktifkan layer 1 kemudian tekan Ctrl + Shift + U untuk membuat layer menjadi desaturate. Maka gambar sekarang seperti hitam putih.

Setelah itu duplikat layer 1. Maka akan terbentuk layer dengan nama Layer 1 copy.

Langkah 2 Cara Membuat Sketsa

Sekarang ubah blend mode layer 1 copy menjadi Color Dodge. Kemudian tekan Ctrl + I untuk memberi perintah Invert. Gambar akan menghilang atau hanya tinggal ada beberapa titik berwarna hitam jika teman-teman menggunakan warna lain.

Kemudian dengan layer 1 copy masih aktif pilih Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Atur radius jika menurut teman-teman sudah cukup pas. klo saya  menggunakan angka 5px.


Sketsa Foto with photoShop

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1. Buka program Adobe Photoshop Saya menggunakan Photo Shop CS5 Portable, setelah itu pilih FILE – OPEN atau tekan CTRL+O pada keyboard untuk membuka foto yang akan di edit Menjadi Lukisan Pensil
2. layer>Duplicate Layer / CTRL+J   maka muncul sebuah layer baru hasil duplikat dari Gambar.Pilih IMAGE – ADJUSTMENTS – DESATURATE atau tekan CTRL+SHIFT+U pada keyboard, dan hasilnya akan tampak seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.
 3. Duplicate Layer Kembali dan Pilih IMAGE – ADJUSMENTS – INVERT atau tekan CTRL + I pada keyboard dan hasilnya seperti di bawah ini.

4. Pilih Color Dodge pada Blending Mode. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar di bawah ini.

5. Langkah terakhir adalah pilih FILTER – BLUR – GAUSIAN BLUR kemudian pada RADIUS isikan angka sesuai keinginan masing masing mau tebal / tipis gambar nya saran saya Min=5.0 pixels, hasil akhirnya adalah sebagai berikut.

Klik OK

Foto menjadi lukisan pensil with PhotoShop

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Langkah 1

Siapkan ukuran background 900×900 px. Warna background terserah, disini saya memakai warna putih ditambah dengan layer style Color Overlay dan Gradient Overlay.

Langkah 2

Berikan Text diatasnya disini saya menggunakan type text Brush Script Std.Klik kanan Pilih Resterize Type. Berikan Effect Warp Text dengan Ctrl+T–>Klik kanan–>Pilih WarpdanEffect Filter- Liquify. Rapikan dengan brush.( Diharapkan bisa buat lebih bagus dari ini.)
Copy layer text sebanyak 4 layer.

Kita mulai dari layer text paling bawah untuk memberikan effect Add Layer style. Berikan effect drop shadow, Inner shadow, Inner glow, Bevel and Emboss, dan satin sebagai berikut.
  • Untuk settingan Drop shadownya ada gambar dibawah ini.

Setting untuk Inner Shadow:

Setting Inner Glow :

Langkah 3

Kita lanjut dengan layer Honey copy berikan effect layer style Bevel And Emboss.

Langkah 4

Dilanjutkan di layer Honey Copy2  berikan layer style Bevel Anf Emboss dan Pattern Overlay.

Untuk Pattern Overlaynya  sebagai berikut :

Untuk layer Honey copy3 kita beri Inner Shadow dan Bevel And Emboss.

Bevel And Emboss.

Maka, hasil akhirnya seperti ini.

Hasil akhir
Untuk membuat tampilan textnya lebih keren atau memastikan transparant tambahkan background texture Pancake atau Jelly.

Madu Text PhotoShop

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1. Buka lembar kerja baru pada Photoshop, buat dokumen 300dpi dengan dimensi 800*600 pixel.
2. Beri warna hitam pada layer background.
3. Buat tulisan dengan menggunakan horizontal type tool, ketikkan teks yang sobat inginkan. Misal seperti gambar ini

4. Simpan (save) lembar kerja dengan nama Efek Teks Api.
5. Buat folder group, caranya klik pada icon create a new group yang berada dipojok kanan bawah Photoshop.
6. Masukkan (drag) kedua layer teks kedalam folder group1 tersebut
7. Duplikatkan folder group1 tersebut dengan cara klik menu Layer > Duplicate Layer, sehingga kita akan mendapatkan folder group1 copy. Hal ini dilakukan untuk back up kalau-kalau nanti sewaktu editing terjadi kesalahan.
8. Sembunyikan folder group1 dengan cara mengklik/uncheck icon gambar mata yang ada disebelahnya.
9. Klik kanan pada folder group1 copy lalu klik merge group, kini kedua layer teks yang ada didalam group tersebut sudah jadi satu.
10. Sekarang, gunakan rectangular marquee tool (shortcut: M) dan seleksi (buat kotak) pada huruf "T".

11. Jika sudah terseleksi, tekan ctrl+c (copy) lalu ctrl+v (paste) untuk mendapatkan potongan layer huruf "T" tersebut. Ganti nama layer ini dengan nama "fire T". Lakukan hal yang sama untuk huruf-huruf lainnya sehingga mendapatkan 5 potongan layer.
12. Selanjutnya, kita akan memberi efek layer style pada kelima potongan layer tersebut. Dimulai dari layer "fire T".
13. Klik kanan pada layer "fire T" lalu pilih Blending Opstions. Pilih Drop Shadow dan atur seperti gambar dibawah.

14.Pilih Color Overlay dan atur juga seperti gambar dibawah ini.

15. Pilih Satin lalu atur seperti gambar dibawah

16. Pilih Inner Glow dan atur, tentukan warna glow yang sobat inginkan. Misal pada gambar dibawah ini, #ffcc00. Jika sudah, klik OK.

17. Copy efek/style pada layer "fire T" diatas ke 4 potongan layer lainnya, caranya klik kanan pada layer "fire T" lau pilih Copy Layer Style. Klik kanan dan Paste Layer Style pada potongan layer lainnya.

18. Sembunyikan layer group1 copy. Buat folder group2 lalu masukkan kelima layer potongan kedalam folder group2. Duplikatkan folder group2 sehingga kita mendapatkan folder group2 copy. Kemudian sembunyikan folder group2 dan gabungkan (merge group) folder group2 copy.
19. Gunakan eraser tool dengan opacity 20% flow 18% lalu hapus bagian atas teks, seperti gambar dibawah ini.

20. Masuk ke menu Filter > Liquify, pilih Forward Warp Tool dan atur setingan seperti gambar dibawah. Buatlah gelombang/lekukan pada garis teks sehingga menyerupai api.

21. Sebelum melanjutkan tutorial ini, silahkan sobat download terlebih dahulu wallpaper api disini karena kita akan gunakan tekstur api pada gambar tersebut.
22. Buka gambar api yang sudah di download tadi di Photoshop. Aktifkan Tab Channels melalui menu Windows > Channels. Jika sudah aktif, masuk ke Tab Channels lalu tekan ctrl+klik pada layer "Green" gambar api tersebut.

23. Pindahkan/tarik/drag (gunakan move tool) tekstur api yang sudah terseleksi kedalam lembar kerja Efek Teks Api. Lakukan ini dua kali sehingga teks tertutup oleh api, lalu gabungkan (Merge Layers) kedua layer api tersebut. Tempatkan layer api diatas layer teks.

24. Hapus bagian tekstur api yang tidak perlu menggunakan Eraser Tool dengan opacity 15%. Hapus sedikit-sedikit sampai terlihat seperti gambar dibawah.

25. Duplikat/gandakan layer tekstur api. Atur opacity layer yang original ke 35% lalu rubah Blend Mode untuk duplikatnya menjadi Overlay.

26. Duplikatk/gandakan layer tekstur api yang di Overlay tadi, lalu rubah Blend Mode ke Color Dodge.

27. Selesai.

Fire Fire Text PhotoShop

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1 Buat document baru 800 x 600 Pixel

2. Birikan warna Background hitam, kemudian buat teks hingga seperti gambar

3. Kemudian restireze teks dengan cara klik kanan pada layer teks dan pilih restireze, lihat gambar:

4. Kemudian berikan efek wind (Klik Menu Filter > Stylis > Wind ),
atur sesuai gambar: kemudian ulangi lagi efek wind ato bisa langsung tekan Ctrl + F 2x ( untuk mengulangi efek yang terakhir digunakan )

5. Berikan efek wind lagi ( ulangi langkah no 4 ) bedanya pada pengaturan direction (from the right dan from the lift).

Hasilnya kira-kira seperti ini:

6. Ok sekarang kita putar 90 cw ( klik edit  > transfrom > rotate 90 derajat cw ) seperti ini:

7. Nah sekarang kita kasih lagi efek wind (ulangi langkah 4 dan 5 ). Hasilnya:

8. kita rotate kembali agar kembali kesemula yaitu (Klik Edit > Transfrom > Rotate 90 derajat Ccw )

9. Kini tinggal ngasih deh apinya, siapkan korek ya hehe…
sebelumnya kita ubah mode warna ke Grayscale ( klik image > mode > grayscale ), lalu kita ubah lagi ke indexed color ( klik image > mode > indexed color ),

10. Terakhir kita sulut deh apinya dengan color table ( Klik Image > Mode > Color Table ), dan atur sesuai dengan gambar:

HAsilnya Akhirnya:
Teks Api

Fire Burn Text PhotoShop

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To make this image look more interesting I added some snow falling down and some dropping down from the letters. The first thing to do before opening Photoshop is to install a few Brush sets. If you don't know how to, follow this very good guide which tells you how to install extra presets in your Adobe Photoshop.
As mentioned, this effect is made from scratch, but I used two useful sets of tree Brushes: this one and this one (the set n°17 from the top) from this list. Thank you very much to pixelgratis and Velavan. For the text we'll use a special font called Berlin Sans FB in Bold version.
This tutorial is easy, made with basic techniques, can be done with Adobe Photoshop CS2 or superior and you don't need a pen tablet, a mouse is good enough. OK, now let's get working!

Step 1

Create a document of the size you want, staying near to 1600 pixels by 1200 pixels, 300 dpi resolution (if you are going to print it) or 72 dpi if you're going to publish it on the Web. We can use 72 dpi to keep our document tidy and work faster. Set the Foreground color to black #000000 and then press Alt + Delete to fill the "Background" layer with a black color. Our "Background" layer become black with a touch!
Now choose #ff0000 as our Foreground color and type some text with the Horizontal Type Tool (T) using the settings shown below and the font we previously downloaded. We're using a red color just to create some contrast with the black background and the white effects that will come next.

Step 2

Now double-click on the Layer thumbnail (or go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke...) and choose #ff0000 for the color and set the Stroke at 15 pixels. This way we're making the text more rounded and fatty to avoid rough edges.

Step 3

Create a New Layer by clicking Command + Shift + N, then pick the Brush Tool (B), right-click with your mouse and finally load the new sets of Brushes by clicking on the little black arrow (look below). After choosing Load Brushes... browse to your Presets folder and then to the Brushes folder to load the Brushes. Load all the three sets we previously downloaded, as we're going to need some variety to create the ice effect.

Step 4

Before beginning the work with Brushes, let's see how to modify the Angle of the Brush selected because it's essential for the next steps. Press F5 to open the Brushes Window: using the Angle option you can rotate the Brush you're using. Allow the Smoothing option for a softer Brush.

Step 5

Now click near the red area of the letters, everything which happens outside of that area is not important, and we can erase it later. Use your creativity to make something which should look like cracks in the ice - you have a lot of Brushes available to work with.

Step 6

The Angle and Size settings allow you to set and rotate the Brushes; uncheck the Spacing box to have more control when you're painting the ice cracks. For every letter create a new Layer hiding the one you've already made, so it's easier to look at what's happening in the red area.

Step 7

Always give a name to layers, as it's easier to keep them organized. During the making of the ice effect it's important to use more linear Brushes to create the main shape of the letters and some bigger ones for the deeper cracks.

Step 8

Convert the "ICE" Layer (the red one) into a Smart Object (Right-click > Convert to Smart Object). Then Command-click on this Layer's thumbnail to select it completely and apply a Layer Mask to the other Layers.

Step 9

Create a New Layer, call it "extra" and with a tree brush draw some extra ice into the red letters using the settings below (F5).

Step 10

Use the Brushes near the borders to make it look more three-dimensional. Help yourself by selecting the three letters so you can paint directly where you need to.

Step 11

Now go to the Blending Options of every ice layer (the white ones) and apply the settings shown below. These features are very useful also to colorize layers. We'll use a very light blue color (#c9eaf1) in the Outer Glow options to create some halo around the letters and inside to make it look frozen.

Step 12

Using the Inner Glow option we'll create a glow effect. Apply a value around 10% of noise to make it look more crispy.

Step 13

Select the "I" letter of the "ICE" layer, then go to Select > Modify > Contract... > 25 pixels. Then click OK. Create a new layer ("Layer 1") and press Alt + Delete to fill the selected area; use full black (#000000). Then Deselect and go to Filter > Blur >> Gaussian Blur... 15 pixels. Do the same for the other letters applying always the same Blur.

Step 14

Name these black Layers with "black E, C, I" and set their Opacity to 40%. Then create a New Adjustments Layer and go to Levels. Applying the settings shown below, from here they will influence the whole image.

Step 15

Command-click on the "ICE" layer to select it and then create a new layer and call it "gradient." With a white to transparent gradient draw the bottom to the top. We're drawing some light from the bottom. Set the Opacity to 40%.

Step 16

Hide the "Background" layer (which is black) and select one letter with the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Go to Edit > Copy Merged then Press Command + V. Do the same also for the other two letters and name the layers with the corresponding letter. Then you can hide all the other layers because from now on we'll work on these new ones, but keep the old ones because they can always be useful.

Step 17

Right-click on the thumbnail layers and Covert them to Smart Objects. Now Command-click on the "ICE" layer and go to Select > Modify > Contract... by 35 pixels. Apply this Selection as a Layer Mask to every letter. Don't worry if the masking is covering all three letters.

Step 18

Select the Layer Mask thumbnail and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur... 25 pixels. Do this to all the "I," "C," and "E: layers. This process is useful to create some darker areas inside.

Step 19

Below is how it should look like.

Step 20

Press Command + L on the Layer Mask to Open the Levels and reduce the darkness (value 30). This way the Layer Mask become lighter showing more of the ice inside.

Step 21

Duplicate the "I," "C," and "E" Layers, Right-click on the Layer Mask > Apply Layer Mask. Finally Merge them. Hide all the rest and create a new layer. Let's start making the snow now.

Step 22

Pick the Brush Tool (B) and choose a normal circle brush. Then apply the settings shown below in the Brush Windows (F5).

Step 23

Create a new layer and paint the snow increasing and decreasing the brush size.

Step 24

Select the "Ice" layer and press Command + T. Then click on the Warp icon and choose the Shell Upper with Bend set to 11%.

Step 25

Change the settings of the brush with these new ones. Start to paint the snow leaving some slightly darker areas.

Step 26

Paint the snow on top of the letters. We can work on one single layer now.

Step 27

After you've done this, retouch the corners and edges with the Eraser Tool (E) using a soft brush.

Step 28

Create a new layer on top and begin to paint some snow near the base of the letters using the same brush, with the same settings as before.

Step 29

Leave some little darker areas.

Step 30

Clean the edges using the Eraser Tool (E) with a soft brush.

Step 31

Create a New Layer above the snow on the letters and start painting with a black (#00000) Brush to create shadows. Let's suppose the light comes from the top.

Step 32

Make some bigger shadows where there are humps.

Step 33

Create a new layer on top and paint some shadows using the same brush. These are the shadows of the letters.

Step 34

Apply this Inner Glow to the shadows just made.

Step 35

Add some more falling snow on a new layer on top.

Step 36

Now select the snow on the top and Duplicate it by dragging the thumbnail to the New Layer Icon.

Step 37

Do the same with the letters and the snow on top of them. Merge these two layers to make the reflection. Press Command + T, then Right-click > Flip Vertical.

Step 38

With the Gradient Tool (G) draw on the Layer Mask a vertical black to transparent gradient. Hold the Shift key to keep it vertical. Then apply some Motion Blur: Angle 0° and Distance 20 pixels.

Step 39

Do the same as before for the falling snow layer: Duplicate, Flip Vertical, add a Gradient Mask, and apply a Motion Blur.

Step 40

Create a new layer behind the letters and draw a horizontal white line with a brush (always holding the Shift key). Set the Size to 15 pixels and the Hardness to 80%. Set the Opacity of the layer to 90%.

Step 41

Create a new layer behind the reflections and draw a white to transparent Gradient starting from the line drawn in the previous step. Also add 70% Gaussian Noise by going to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

Step 42

This is the actual situation: every effect on his own layer. Now Create a new layer, then go to Image > Apply Image... and click OK.

Step 43

Call this new layer "ICE IMAGE" and Duplicate it. Now we can hide all the rest, we'll be working a bit on sharpening and increasing the definition.

Step 44

Duplicate this layer again and apply a Gaussian Blur of 0,3 pixels just to smooth everything.

Step 45

Then go to Filter > Other > High Pass and apply the following settings.

Step 46

Again, create a new layer by going to Image > Apply Image... and click OK. Set it to Overlay and 30% for Opacity.

Step 47

Draw a circle on a new layer with the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Fill it with black, then Deselect with Command + D. Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and set it to 25 pixels. This gives some sort of vignetting effect.

Final Result

And here's the final outcome! It could be very nice to add some Christmas decorations! Well it's not that time yet!
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Snow Ice text PhotoShop

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Special Thanks To : ™Ares™ | ™Knight™ | Michael Willieson


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